Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thursday 23rd November

Thursday 23rd november


Mara hostel london


3rd night in a row im not back to my basement in kilburn.yesterday night was spending the whole night doing the ODNF report at Hanafi s place.didnt manage to finish it.i think im really done with it now.couldnt be bothered to do more because im so tired now.its really nothing the report.just a nice way of putting forward where human appeal as a charity should be targetting in terms of universities and isocs.


I had a real good chat with ari zulkarnian the promenant boy.these people are really good.i hope more young boys would have the idealism like him and others of the same track.talking to him was endless! Its so exciting. Reminds me of the good old days when I used to spend the whole night talking to nazmi.well nazmi has really gone way way far in politics very happy for him.iwish more young malaysians ar given the same assistance.i think brother anwar did a big favour to msia’s future for ‘bailing’ nazmi out of PNB.i said to ‘someone’, padan muka PNB, sapa suruh diorang letak orang bijak giler macam nazmi stuck in some finance research dept or something! But sorry lah nazmi, I think I ll see both yourself and pakdi, well across the ‘bench’.but im looking forward for the good debate J


Still contemplating whether or not I should go to manchester.if I take the 10am I ll arrive at HAI manchester at 1pm..have a meeting for 3 hours.and I need to catch the 4pm back to london to be in london by 7pm for the event with mercy malaysia dato jamilah.i think this is just not happening.i hope they wont cut my funding! I m so desperate for money now, that I ll do anything for it! Please help! ! ! ! why is there no msian billionaire out there who s willing to give money for my think tank or for me to do all this! ! !  


Received a reply about the apostacy issue from abang yusri.he said he is in egypt for the WAMY conference.FOSIS didn’t go becos, we don’t have money! Just received another invite to go to brussels on the 2nd december to the 6th for a conference organised by the european jewish union of students.i don’t think I have either money nor time for this. And the TV people keep coming in.i don’t know whether to pity or not for my british muslims colleagues.mesti letih asyik masuk tv.but femes lah. Maybe ada hikmah i compromised to faisal 2 years was there too. I probably did the best. Had more to lose than gain. Semuanya ada hikmah. Today we received request from a russian tv.hari tuh it was japan.kesian the guy trying to call me when I was on the train.i wonder how they would feel if they knew im malaysian..


For the London dinner its being moved to the 15th.ive got 1500.i need 3000 not sure where, but I just need to find this 3000 by hook or by crook by next Monday.



Enough for today.this week has been a real challenge.i hope I ll wake up early.





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it'll be great if u fill up this blog of how things shud work around us and how u think about stuffs! :) like ur counterpart bro nazmi did ;)